Explanation of the little padlock buttons.
I can’t remember when I first had the idea for this story. I know I came up with the names of the central pair, Tarin and Limm, pretty early on. Alas, I didn’t feel they would be a happy couple. I also had the idea that Tarin would be a sort of misfit Hobbit. After I had the idea to mix Tarin into the Ring story, the outlines came together. I set to and plotted it all out (the part I find hardest) while on holiday in Greece in September 2021; then in January 2022 I took three weeks holiday for the express purpose of getting the words on paper. It took me a little while to compose the first sentence (first sentences are important!) but after that, it all flowed pretty well. I composed the prologue last of all, and found this a bit of a slog, since it does not contribute directly to the story, but acts only as a necessary informative for people who are not familiar with the Tolkienian background.
I spent over a year in editing. It’s always difficult to know when to stop, but hopefully I have succeeded in arriving at something that some people will enjoy. It has turned out a rather spare little tale, but it is what it is.
This work 'Renewal' is copyrighted from 2023 to John McKellar (all rights reserved) with exception of the following.